ROTELU has implanted a Management System in its organization in accordance with the requirements of the Standards EN-ISO 9001, EN-ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, EN 1090-1 y EN ISO 3834-2 in order to ensure quality, compliance with product requirements, the satisfaction of our customers and interest groups, as well as guarantee environmental respect in the development of activities and the safety and health of people in the workplace, committing to:

Create a structured organization according to the strategic direction and the context in which the actions, functions and responsibilities are perfectly defined, documented and communicated.

Assign the necessary human and financial resources for the correct development of the processes.

Guarantee participation, information and consultation, as well as train and sensitize all staff so that in the development of their activities they always keep in mind the following philosophies:

“quality is not a coincidence, it is only achieved with the good work of each day “

“a well-kept environment, a starting point for a good quality of life “

“your safety and hygiene depends on your own good sense, collaborates “.

Comply with the legal requirements that apply to it, as well as other requirements that, being related to its activity, it could subscribe.

Periodically review the Management System so that, within the framework of the commitment to search for continuous improvement, establish objectives and goals aimed at achieving a high level of safety and health at work, an increase in customer satisfaction and the prevention of environmental pollution derived from the development of activities.

Guarantee the communication of the present politic to all the people who work for the organization or on behalf of it, as well as its accessibility to the interest groups.

Managing Director
Eloy Abalde Paramos